Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wet n Wild Haul with Swatches!

Last week Wet n Wild was 40% off at Walgreens and Rite Aid, so naturally this happened:

I'm a big fan of Wet n Wild's megalast polishes and lipsticks and at 40% off, saying they are a steal is an understatement! I've also never tried anything from the Fergie line aside from the polishes, so I picked up a few of her lipsticks as well.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jordana: INCOLOR Fabuliner Liquid Eyeliner

As a self proclaimed connoisseur of liquid liners, I am always trying to find the next best one. I'm still a die hard fan of Stila's Stay All Day Waterproof  Liquid Liner but my only gripe is that by month's end, it's pretty much dry and done. At $20 a pop, that gets a bit pricey to keep purchasing.

One of my friends was raving about Jordana's Fabuliner and at $2.49 +tax at Walgreens, it was kinda a no brainer to give it a try. (I checked Jordana's website and it's listed for $2.99). Basically this liner is dirt cheap. 

Now, I'm not gonna lie, I'm always up for a good deal but sometimes when a product is really inexpensive, I get a little apprehensive about trying it out. It's still mind boggling to me how a really affordable product can be just as good if not better than a high end product. Aside from organic/natural products which will usually always cost more, I guess we really are paying more for a name brand sometimes. Hmph.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Nails of the Day and $1 Glitter polish!

If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I kinda have a thing for nail art. Anyone who is into nail art or nail polish hoarding knows that changing your polish several times a week, if not everyday, can become a very normal thing.

Anytime a polish stays on my nails for longer than 2 days or if I re-paint my nails with the same color after it chips, i'm pretty much diggin' it.

Case in point: China Glaze's Tart-y For The Party (Any fellow Bravo Housewives Fans?!)

I've been rocking this color for a hot minute but just recently I decided to add some glitter accent nails, because well, everything is better with glitter.

I stumbled upon Maybelline's limited edition Color Show Sequins polish at Big Lots! For $1!!! I picked up Lavender Sparks, which is an amazing purple glitter polish. It was full of micro and larger glitter pieces which is my favorite kind of glitter polish formula. Did I mention it was $1?! You seriously can't beat that!

So my advice to all the nail polish whores like myself: don't forget to check the make up aisle of any discount store because you might find something awesome for a steal!

*So obsessed with this combo right now! It reminds me of sugar plum fairies and gumdrops...haha*

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Walgreens Beauty Sample Box: School of Beauty

Back in July I posted about Walgreens beauty sample box program which you can read about here. It took about 5 months to receive my first box which I explain in the link I just provided. (To see contents of that box, go here.)

To my surprise, I just received my second box yesterday! It actually arrived in the allotted 6-8 weeks time frame! As I mentioned before in both posts, it's free, so it doesn't really matter when it actually arrives but I'm glad it didn't take 5 months this time.

Here were the choices again at the time I was picking out my box:

Although I'm not in school anymore, I opted for the Back to School box just based on the description. I think it was the "dare to revamp your look" that got me. Are you challenging me Walgreens? I accept your dare!

Monday, August 26, 2013

New Eyebrow Favorite: Make Up Forever Aqua Brow

Have you ever done your make up but forgot to do your eyebrows? You know something looks a bit off but you can't quite pin point it. It's then that you realize how important your eyebrows actually are...they really do frame your face and complete your look!

*Photo from*

I know for me personally, if my eyebrows aren't done, my whole face looks off. I also don't have the nicest brows, so it's imperative I "fix" them before presenting myself to the world.

Back in the day I used to use brow pencils (not a fan of them anymore), then switched to mac eyeshadow in Espresso , then to Benefit brow zings. I would still be using them to this day except I've stumbled upon a little new discovery called Aqua Brow!

In the beginning of summer, I was looking for waterproof/water-resistant makeup in general because of the activities I knew I had planned. YES, I wear make up to the beach. Anyways, I came across Aqua Brow and was intrigued not only because it claims to be waterproof but it was a gel type formula which I thought would be perfect for drawing on the "tails" of my eyebrows.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rimmel: Show Off Lip Lacquer Apocaliptic

I recently posted my review on Rimmel's Show Off Lip Lacquers which you can read here. I love them but my local Walgreens rarely has any left that haven't been tampered with. I was so excited to finally find an un-open one in Apocaliptic. It was definitely on the top of my list when they first came out!

As far as the color goes, I find that it wears a bit darker than what you see in the tube. It's a rich raspberry color with a slight hint of hot pink and it's awesome. I think this color is actually wearable for anyone and it makes a great statement lip!

In terms of formula, I'm happy to report that this one is just as great as Celestial. Goes on smooth, amazing pigmentation, and lasted for several hours. Definitely another favorite for me!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Birthday Week[end]

It feels like ages since I have posted something...7 days to be exact. What is this madness?!

Well my birthday was on Saturday, the 17th, so I was a little pre-occupied with party prep and pre- celebrations this past week.

On my actual bday I had an evening bbq at home with some of my very best friends. It was wonderful. 

So wonderful in fact, I didn't take many photos. FAIL. What started as an intimate, chill, bbq, turned into a night of drunken shenanigans that I can barely remember. Jameson was flowing, beer pong was going, people taking shots out of a beer bong, and enough food to last a week! So in a nutshell, it was a great night!

Here are a few photos that were taken before the festivities:

Monday, August 12, 2013

Loreal Miracle Blur: Is it worth it?

Loreal's Miracle Blur is one of the more expensive "creams" at the drugstore that I've noticed. The cheapest I have seen it is at Target for $19.99, but at drugstores it usually retails for about $24.99. That's quite a lot to shell out on one product at the drugstore, yet that's exactly what intrigued me about it. How could this product cost so much?! I had to know.

I have been using Loreal's Miracle Blur for the past couple months now and I have to say, I'm really liking this stuff.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Suki Exfoliate Foaming Cleanser

If you aren't familiar with the brand Suki, than we are in the same boat my friend.

The last time I ever saw the letters s-u-k-i together, it was the first part of that awesome love ballad song Sukiyaki by 4 P.M. Any 80's babies in the house?! I love that song! #noshame


I received a sample of this cleanser in my July Birchbox and it couldn't have come at a better time because I had just run out my exfoliator. Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that I had just run out, I probably wouldn't have tried this product for awhile. I already threw away the sample packaging, but it was very "homemade" looking. Usually when I have samples of brands that are completely unknown to me, in a no frills, homemade kind of packaging, I tend to be a bit apprehensive about trying them out. Is that just me? 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

NYX: Xtreme Lip Cream

I had mentioned these lippies in my last post and realized I have never reviewed or posted swatches of them yet. NYX lip products are some of my absolute favorites and these Xtreme Lip Creams are another great addition to that category!

These Xtreme Lip Creams fall into the lipstick/lipgloss hybrid category. I love these kinds of lip products because not only are they a time saver, they are so convenient! It's nice to only have to bring one lip product with you instead of a couple (definitely not trying to add to the madness that is my make up bag). Oh and the pigmentation of these Xtreme Lip Cream's...amazing! As I mentioned in my last review, these are very similar to Rimmel's Show Off Lip Lacquers as far as consistency. They are a bit drier in formula and a little less shiny than the Rimmel Show Off's but that's being super technical and it's nothing overly obvious. If you have tried NYX's soft matte creams, they are a bit thicker in formula and more hydrating. They are definitely very comfortable on the lips and last for at least 3-4 hours on me.

The only major negative to them is the scent. If plastic & play-doh were a desirable scent, then NYX totally nailed it. Unfortunately, I don't know many people that look for that scent in a lip product, I know I sure don't. The good news is the scent isn't really noticeable once the product is applied. Thank Goodness.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rimmel: Show Off Lip Lacquer Celestial & Luna

Finally! I got my hands on the long awaited Apocalips by Rimmel! I was a little disappointed that they changed the name for the US release...Apocalips is so much better than Show Off Lip Lacquer. Not sure why the name was changed...are you trying to tell us something Rimmel? Are we Americans not worthy of a cool lipgloss name?! Well, we did get 14 shades whereas the UK only have 8, so that's pretty awesome...I guess all is forgiven.

Anyways, I've been waiting for months for these bad boys to make an appearance here in the U.S. and I was at my Walgreens as soon as I heard they had arrived. To my dismay, not only were a lot of the colors sold out, the ones left over had been opened. So annoying.

There is a seal on the product but like most drugstore makeup, a little clear sticker doesn't prevent tampering. If you aren't familiar with this product, there is a way to tell if the applicator has been pulled out all the way or not.

From L-R: If the center section is clear like the photo on the left, then the applicator has not been pulled out of the tube. Regardless if the seal is broken, if you see a clear section, that means no one has pulled the applicator out yet. The photo in the middle shows the applicator about to be pulled out. You can see the color start to fill the section. The photo on the far right is what happens as the applicator is being taken completely out of the tube. If you see a gloss that has a center section filled with product, then you know someone has pulled the entire applicator out.

After searching forever for just one gloss that hadn't been tampered with, I was eventually able to get my hands on Celestial and Luna. There were shimmer shades but I was only interested in the creme finishes. Though these weren't my top picks, they were new and sealed and that's all that mattered to me!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Review: Dr. Scholl's For Her High Heel Insoles

Here's my horrible attempt at a quick stop motion vine featuring the Dr. Scholl's for Her High Heel Insoles that I received complimentary from Influenster.

I love high heels...I actually prefer them to flat shoes but as I get older, my tolerance for wearing them for a long period of time diminishes. My feet just don't support me the way the used to. 

When getting ready for a night out, a laundry list of thoughts go through my head when picking out what shoes to wear. I always think about where I'm going to be; am I going to be standing a lot, walking a lot, etc.  Definitely a result of many late nights and mornings where I want to cut my feet off. #girlproblems My feet are starting to throb just thinking about all those endless nights of dancing, clubbing, walking the strip of Vegas, etc. Oh to be young again!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

SinfulShine At Sea

Previously I reviewed VIP from the SinfulShine line and mentioned that I wanted to try a few more to see if the formula was the same in all of them. Lucky for me, I had received At Sea in my Influenster box to test out. I'm so glad I did, because I absolutely love it!

Almost every negative I had mentioned in my review (which you can read here), was the complete opposite with At Sea! The formula was so much better with this color. It was almost opaque in 1 coat, the formula wasn't too thick, dried in a reasonable amount of time, and it lasted a few days without chipping! I also like that I can get away with not having to put a top coat on because these polishes dry with a nice shine finish.

I definitely have my eye on a few more colors that I need to add to my collection!

At Sea

Monday, July 22, 2013

Review: Maybelline Fit Me Shine-Free Foundation

I think the last time I tried a stick foundation I was in highschool...and that was ages ago. It was a Clinique or Estee Lauder one, and I hated it. Fast forward to today, and stick foundations have caught my attention again, but this time at the drugstore. in stick form and shine free...this sounds convenient!

Picking out a shade was a little difficult because there's a number sticker on the top of the cap that obstructs your view a bit. Yes, there's the big ass color wheel but the foundations weren't exactly the color of the display.

The main thing you will notice is the different color core in the middle of the stick. Some were more pink and some more yellow. I noticed that the shade I thought would match me best had a pink core so I had to focus only on the shades that had the more yellow core.

I purchased Shade 310- Sun Beige (which turned out to be a good match) and for reference again, I'm an NC35 at MAC. I paid $8.99 for .32 oz at Walgreens but I know Target sells it for $6.99. Eitherway, it's a very affordable foundation coming in at under $10.

It's about the size of a lipstick but a bit wider which makes it really convenient for on-the-go.

I do appreciate that the sticks are sealed but just like lipsticks, the seals can be broken extremely easily. When the cap is shut, you can't tell the seal is broken with a quick glance. I always pull the cap just a bit to see if the seal has already been broken or not.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

4th of July Nails

*Never got this post up in time but thought I'd post it anyway*

In true nail art addict fashion, I of course had to pay homage to America on my nails. My nails still have not grown out and this was super last minute...not my best work for sure. I came across my Julep polish in 'America' (how appropriate) and did a quick mani before all the BBQ's and celebrating ensued.

ColorClub- Insta-This
Julep- America
Circus by Andrea's Choice- Reverso
Nailtini- Bloody Mary

Happy Birthday 'Merica!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Beauty Essentials & Tips

Already midway through summer here in Cali and I can't believe it! Seriously, where does the time go?!

This post was suppose to go up right after the July 4th weekend, but here we are...July 17th, whoops.

Over the July 4th holiday weekend I went hiking, to the beach, wine tasting, rafting, and tried to keep cool in the ridiculous heat (if that counts as an activity). I know us Californians are known to be somewhat of weather snobs...complaining at temperatures that are laughable to other states and countries, but it's home, and anything over 80 degrees is hot in my opinion. (don't judge)

Over the 5 day weekend, I brought along some products that proved to be great for the warmer weather and being in water.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Forever 21 Picks

I am an accessory whore so you can imagine how many of my shopping trips ended in my accessories costing more than my clothes...oops. I love getting my accessories at Forever 21 but I like purchasing them online instead of in-store. I know there's always a risk to purchasing anything online, but the selection is just so much better online (clothes & shoes included). Plus it's so much easier to shop through with everything categorized and not all over the place. (The only downside to larger Forever 21 stores...too much stuff everywhere.) 

I was doing a little web perusing on the site as I usually do, and thought I would put a collage together of items that are on my favorites list at the moment. If you have similar taste to me, then feel free to click on the item and it will take you directly to the product!

*Direct links to products provided via ShopSense. More information in Disclaimer*

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Walgreens Beauty Sample Box: Glamour Recharge

To receive a Walgreens Beauty Sample Box, you can read my last post to find out how. As I mentioned in my last post, I picked out my box in February but just received it a few days ago. Definitely way over the suggested 6-8 weeks arrival time! It's free so it doesn't really matter but if you have signed up for one and are wondering where it is, I'm sure it's just might take almost 5 months to receive it!

Out of the choices at the time, I chose the Glamour Recharge Box. Keep on reading to see what was inside!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Walgreens Beauty Freebies!

Calling all Walgreens shoppers!!! If you buy beauty items at Walgreens, check your receipt before you toss it in the trash!

I hardly shop at Walgreens, something about the ones in my area are just well, g-h-e-t-t-o. Anyways, months ago (like in March), I had purchased some nail polish and some lipstick from Walgreens. When I got home, I was just about to throw away my receipt when I noticed another "coupon" behind my receipt. I decided to actually read it and it was a code to go online and choose a beauty box of free samples! Say What?!

Apparently if you spend $30 on beauty related items, you are qualified to choose a beauty sample box of your choice while supplies last! I'm not exactly sure as to what beauty items count towards the purchase, but if you do make a purchase in this amount, definitely pay attention to all the "coupons" you are handed with your receipt.

As I mentioned, this purchase was done in March, and I just received my box a few days ago! I believe from March to July is a little over 6-8 weeks...just a little.  It had been so long, I completely forgot about this box, so I guess it was a nice surprise in my mailbox.

This post was originally going to be about what I received in the box but before I was able to sit down and write it, I had picked up a few things at Walgreens again. Guess what was handed to me with my receipt? Another beauty sample box code! Since this promo is still going on (I'm not sure if this a year round thing or just for a limited time), I decided to make this post about picking out your box.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Goody Ouchless Ribbon Elastics

So I'm sure you have all seen these ties before...a stretchy piece of elastic ribbon tied in a knot at the bottom. I was first introduced to them over a year ago because of Birchbox but the elastics were made by a different company. I remember seeing quite a few people rave about them and how cute they thought they were. I was never really that impressed with them and after receiving a bajillion of them in my Birchboxes over this past year, I was totally over it.

The main deterrent for me was the price vs function. They went for $5 for a 3 pack and $10 for a 6 pack. Umm what? I could get like a 32 pack of my good ol' Goody black elastics for under $5 and they worked better.

As you can imagine, I wasn't that excited to see these bands again when I opened up my voxbox.

Although I don't entirely get the whole hype, I will say I'm glad Goody has come out with their own because they are better and more affordable.

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