Friday, May 3, 2013

Must Have Nail Polish Remover!!!

CVS Instant Polish Remover, $3.29 at CVS (Duh.)

I mention in my April 2013 Favorites that I have become quite obsessed with this product! As a nail polish addict, I paint my nails at least 2-3 times a week and sometimes 2-3 times a day! I've always used pure acetone that you can find at beauty supply stores because it's the quickest way to take off polish. Seriously, once you go acetone, you don't go back...ain't nobody got time for that!

If you have ever used pure acetone, you know that it dries the crap out of your nails and the skin around it. For me, it was a small price to pay for how fast it took off polish. Then I came across this little gem and holy F, I'm in love!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April 2013 Favorites

April was yet another month where I loved so many things! My skin was definitely acting cray this month so I did tend to focus more on my skincare and I'll have reviews up shortly of what worked and what didn't . The weather also started getting much warmer and that meant a little less make up for me... just a little. Let's not kid ourselves, I'm a full face make up kind of girl but I started to bust out more of my nude pink lipsticks and less of my beloved brights. Eye make up was pretty much the same everyday and some days it was just mascara, liner, and lip balm. 

I think I have mentioned most of these items before but here's what I used and abused in April!

*Disclaimer: I'm not associated with any of the brands mentioned and all opinions are my own. Direct links have been provided to make shopping easier. Some links are provided via ShopSense*

Friday, April 26, 2013

Golden State Warriors Nails!

The first home game of the playoffs is tonight so you know I had to represent! I had to use my left hand for the nail art (I'm a righty), so the lines aren't as clean as I would like them to be but they turned out better than I expected! Still not patiently waiting waiting for my nails to grow on my left hand but that's a whole separate issue. Anyways, GO WARRIORS!!!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram for other nail looks and beauty things that I don't always post on the blog! @GaudyGlam

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Soap & Glory: A Great Kisser Moisture Lip Balm

This is a fairly new lip balm that Soap & Glory has released at Sephora. It goes for $10 which is on the high end for a lip balm but I'm totally in love with this stuff!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Style Haul Spring Nails Giveaway: I Won!

So I received a wonderful message this morning on one of my Instagram photos from Style Haul:

I was so excited, I had completely forgotten I entered this Nail Art Giveaway hosted by Style Haul and China Glaze! You might remember these nails, which I posted on my Instagram and here on the blog. This is the first nail contest I have ever won so I'm super happy!

I went over to Style Haul's Instagram and saw the photo collage they put together of the winners. So exciting! Then I realized, wait I didn't get any tag notificiations on this photo and as I browsed through their other photos, I saw they featured my nail design on Friday as well! I realized, oh snaps, they tagged the wrong Gaudy Glam :( They tagged Gaudy_Glam (some dude) instead of Gaudy__Glam. What's the difference? I have 2 underscores in my name...uhh, total FAIL on my part for using 2 underscores.

I was totally ok with everything until I saw this:

NOT COOL!!!! Trying to take credit for something you know is not yours?! I don't know if this person also took the extra step in emailing their contact info as well and in turn will be receiving my prize of Spring China Glaze not cool AND leaving a comment after mine! Tisk Tisk.

But anyway, the silver lining is when I went to change my IG name, the original name I wanted was available! @GaudyGlam: no spaces, no confusion!

So I guess some good came out of all of this and I'm still happy I won, even if someone else is getting credit for it. "Will the real slim shady please stand up!"

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Review: Corn Huskers Lotion

What do you call a product that makes your skin soft and costs less than if you were to try and make a DIY version of it? Too Good To Be True Corn Huskers Lotion.

This cheap, ugly packaged, no brand name hand treatment is a damn gem I tell you! This stuff is one of those rare cheap finds that actually works, which in turn makes you all giddy inside. *Disclaimer: grab a comfortable seat or maybe a cup of coffee, storytime is about to begin...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Random Ramble: Pussy what now?

So I was just doing my weekly perusing on the Ulta website when I saw their ad for OPI's The Bond Girls collection. So I'm quickly glancing over the colors and what's that I see? A polish called Pussy Galore....uh, what?! Re-read for the third time...yup, that sure says Pussy Galore. I immediately start laughing because I'm not thinking about a surplus of cats, that's for sure.

*Image from*

Upon further googling, I learn that this was in fact one of the Bond Girls' name (my knowledge of Bond Girls is quite small) but c'mon, Pussy Galore?! I'm dying. You might say I should get my mind out of the gutter but I doubt I'm the only one that thought that this polish name could also moonlight as a porn title.

Apparently Nars also had a polish named this is as well, both demure light pink colors....haha, of course they are. Some things I guess will always make me giggle like a 1st grader: public farting and the word pussy (which never refers to a cat in my mind).  Pussy Galore...haha, too much!
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