Tuesday, June 25, 2013

e.l.f. Studio Lip Exfoliator

There's something about finding a product that is super affordable and actually works that makes me all giddy inside! Case in point, e.l.f.'s Studio Lip Exfoliator!

Ages ago I was using The Body Shop's Lip Scuff but at that time I was so young, it was more of a luxury purchase than a necessity.  More recently I have tried DIY lip scrubs and more expensive ones, which I talk about in this review. I don't have terribly dry lips, but I still require the routine exfoliation, especially when taking close up photos for the blog.

I randomly came across e.l.f.'s Studio Lip Exfoliator a few months back at Target and thought I would give it a try since it was only $3. I loved that it was in a lipstick package, which is very reminiscent of The Body Shop's Lip Scuff that I had used literally over 12 years ago.

What I love about this type of packaging compared to the typical lip scrub in a jar is:
1. You don't have to stick your fingers in anything (hello...germ central)
2. It's less messy because you just apply it like lipstick instead of having the scrub going all over the      place when you apply it with your fingers
3. Super compact for travel

Stila up to 80% Off!

Just a heads up for those Stila lovers in the Los Angeles area this Saturday:

Image from Stila.com

Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Ready Feet!

Today marks the first official day of Summer...wooooo!!!! Happy Summer Solstice!

Image from dukky.com

Summer marks the official start of living in flip flops, wedges, sandals, heck, even going barefoot! With all this foot exposure, not only is nail polish a must but so are some nice looking feet! No one wants to see crusty, flaking heels or dried skin around your toe nails..eww! Now I must say, I'm guilty of not taking caring of my feet as much as I should and I walk outside barefoot A LOT. Overtime, this has created some not so pretty feet...calluses and dried heels, gross.

Recently, my feet have done a 180 and it's thanks to 2 products that work amazing together! Separately, I think these products are blah but together they are almost miracle worthy as to how well they work together!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Review: Sinful Shine with Gel Tech

A few months back I noticed a new line of Sinful polishes at Walgreens. If you are unfamiliar with sinful polishes, they are an affordable nail polish line that offer a wide array of colors for only $1.99. I usually get mine at Rite Aid or Walgreens and sometimes they even go on sale which makes them a freakin' steal! The quality of the polish is quite good for the most part, and some colors I think rival more expensive polishes.

The new line which is exclusively at Walgreens, goes for $2.99 and claims to provide brilliant shine, 5x more glossy than a patent leather shoe in fact! Well, so says their website.

I picked up VIP, which is an awesome bubble gum pink color. If patent leather was in liquid form, the formula is just that. It is a mix between a cream and jelly polish which I really like. I found the formula to be a bit streaky for the first coat but would get opaque nails with 2 coats. Sometimes I would apply 3 coats on certain nails where the polish was not applying evenly.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Daiso Finds!

Oh Daiso, how I love thee....

If you're not familiar with Daiso, it's like a Japanese dollar store except everything is $1.50 unless otherwise marked. I love Daiso because there is just so much stuff from candy and stationary, to home goods and beauty products! I seriously could spend hours in that damn store and I don't know if you are already aware, but the Japanese think of everything! I love their clever little contraptions to make life easier and the cute packaging...ahhhh, heaven.

I'm not sure if Daiso is only in California which is just a shame if they are, but they do have a website to buy items in bulk: www.daisojapan.com. Not really sure how helpful that is but they do have lashes on there so that's worth checking out.

Everytime I go in, I have to stop myself from buying everything in sight...it's amazing how much I can convince myself I "need" something that I had no intention of buying or knowledge of it's existence! #shopaholicproblems

But I must say, this past time I went I didn't get too cray and found some fun things! Please excuse the photo quality...I took them on my phone, at night, on my wrinkled duvet cover because I'm lazy like that.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Review: Cover FX Natural Finish Oil Free Foundation

Before I get started with the review, here are my skin stats again:

Oily/Combo Skin
Acne prone skin
Acne scarring and discoloration
Large pores on cheeks
Yellow undertone
I'm an NC 35 at MAC

Wow, can we say perfect profile ad for a dating site?! Ha! Ok, so obviously I don't have perfect skin and I'm so glad foundation exists in this world! As far as what I look for in a foundation: full coverage, not cakey looking, does not emphasize pores or dry patches, covers majority of redness and any other face discoloration, and of course a yellow undertone to match my skintone.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Physicians Formula: Organic Wear 100% Natural Origin FakeOut Mascara

I realized this past month that although I have non-existent lashes and wear false lashes almost everytime I go out, I have this need within me to find/try mascaras in hopes I find that perfect one. I think it's a sickness really but I can't stop. I literally counted 12 different mascaras that I currently have open and semi using...someone call the mascara addicts line, I think I need an intervention.

But whatever, let's add #13 to the mix: Physicians Formula FakeOut Mascara! I wanted to try this because PF is having this promo where if you purchase the mascara with the special packaging that says "Try me for free" you can mail that packaging in with your receipt and they will reimburse you! (click here for the rebate form, ends 10/31/13). So yea, that's awesome but I could never find the special packaging so I just went ahead and purchased it. 

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